Who are you and what do you do in your band?
Hi, we are The Beyond from Italy. We are a death metal band, and our music is inspired by some of the most successful death metal bands of the 90s, especially Obituary, Morbid Angel, Autopsy and Cannibal Corpse.
When/where was your band formed?
We started as a band back in 2011: Michele, Federico and Moreno were coming from a previous experience with another local death metal band called Deformed Agony which disbanded in the same year. We come in touch with Michel and Corrado who were interested in forming a band and playing some death metal and who were already playing with Final Fright. After some months of rehearsals we started composing our songs and in in a couple of years recorded our debut EP "Decaying Death".
Why did you choose to play Death Metal?
As I said, most of us already had previous experiences in various underground death metal bands, so I can say that death metal has always been the genre that we wanted to play. So we can't really say it was a choice, it was something that came out spontaneously.
How do you compose your music? Does only one guy do everything or does everyone contribute?
We try to work as much as we can at home, and bring new riffs ideas to the rehearsing room where we can work together to find the better way to compose the songs. Basically we start from some guitar tunes ,add drums and practice until we find a structure that satisfies us. Finally we add the lyrics and the vocals. Most of riffs come from our guitar player Michele, while our drummer Corrado usually takes care of the lyrics, but in the rehearsing room everybody works and can give his opinion on everything.
Tell us about your lyrics, writing, inspiration etc.
Our inspiration come from actuality, literature and history. We try to put together our inputs and describe everything from a cynic and dystopic point of view.
Is there an ideology behind your band?
No, we just really enjoy playing together and writing our stuff. But we have a strong addiction to beer, pussy and weed, does that count? Seriously speaking, we've always been fans of the old school and this is what we want to keep on playing.
How do you see the state of Death Metal music these days in your country and in general?
We think death metal is an unpopular kind of music, but this is good for the scene, because in our country, like in the others, you can play what you want without compromises and limits. It's difficult to find gigs when you play extreme music, but when you understand death metal is the only way you want to follow, you pay this price and go on.
What are your long term plans as a band? What do you want to achieve?
At the moment we are working on the final songs that will appear on our debut album, we are really looking forward to enter the recording studio but we are taking all the time that is necessary to refine all the tracks in every possible detail. Once recorded our goal is to play live as much as we can to promote the album and our band, in Italy and, we hope, abroad as well and keep composing new material. Long term speaking all of us know we're not going to be the new Cannibal Corpse or Obituary, we just want to have fun playing our music and hopefully make new fans.
Name an other Death Metal band from your country that everyone should hear.
There are some great death metal bands here in Italy: we really can't pick just one so we'd like to suggest to have a listen to Presumed Dead, Sepolcro, Skorbutiks, Fuoco Fatuo, Assumption, Into Darkness, Voids Of Vomit to name a few.
Free word
Thanks for your interest in The Beyond, we really appreciate it! If anybody is curious about what we do, our Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/ TheBeyondDeathMetal, and our "Decaying Death" EP is available for streaming on Bandcamp at http://thebeyonddeathmetal. bandcamp.com/ and on Spotify: https://play.spotify. com/album/ 2O6x4ccrb1MnPq0xFUWyKR